Ancient Path: a new look, a clear mission, the same heart

Ancient Path: a new look, a clear mission, the same heart

In 1998, a small group of people met weekly in a donated house, asking the question – how can we grow compassion in our hearts, wake compassion in others and do something to make a real difference in a hurting world? We formed an arts non-profit organization called WorldView Productions and set out to learn about that world. We jumped right in, sending art bins full of supplies to an organization helping street children in Russia while mobilizing artists for an inner city summer arts camp here in Cleveland. We started programs in Madagascar and Malawi Africa, and trained artists in Europe, Africa and here in the USA. We quickly outgrew our configuration and mission and within 18 months we expanded to a larger configuration called WorldView International

From 1998 to 2007, as an affiliate of WorldView Community Church, we cycled through various names, configurations, leaders, mission statements, tag lines, logos, websites. It was just as confusing to us as to others!  Nevertheless, we were growing and learning from both our mistakes and our successes. We remain grateful for the guidance we received from the leaders at WVCC, the support and encouragement we enjoyed from the family there and the relationships that will never change.

In 2008, we changed our name to Ancient Path. It was not an unfamiliar name to us; it had been the name of our CD products and our community for several years. We continued to do the same work with the same heart and as time went on we learned more about the ins and outs of non-profit management.

In 2012, we began work on a three-year strategic plan with the help of gifted consultant who volunteered not only her expertise but countless hours of her valuable time. From this year-long process emerged a clear set of goals and a detailed action plan to meet these goals. Along with this focused plan came a new logo, a consistent look and this sweet website courtesy of designer Jacob Wadenpfuhl at .

As you click through the site and read about our Mission, Vision and Values, meet the Ancient Path Team and Partners, learn about What We Do, or read the current news items out of Africa, you’ll see that the work and the heart of Ancient Path remain unchanged. We have simply settled into our identity and are now moving forward with renewed passion and fresh vision – and we agree with the words of  Author and Nobel Prize winner, Dag Hammarskjöld:

“For all that has been, thanks. For all that is to come, yes!”

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