Thirteen-year old Simeon Phiri is a boy with a dream. Although his school in Kaliyeka Township is overcrowded with a shortage of classrooms and study materials, Simeon still works hard towards his dream of becoming a doctor one day. His favorite subjects are English and Physical Science, his favorite sport is soccer and his favorite food is beef and rice. As an orphan, this young boy faces daily obstacles that could discourage him, but Pastor Moses Mtambo and his team work to help him and all of the children in the Chifundo program prepare for a brighter future.
Fourteen-year-old Asiyatu Bwanali faces more challenges than most. Asiyatu should be in the 8th grade but has fallen two years behind in school due to her stressful living situation. Raised by a struggling single mom, Asiyatu faces daily insults and verbal abuse that affects her emotionally, socially, intellectually and spiritually – but she doesn’t give up. Her favorite subjects in school are English and Math, her favorite sport is netball and her favorite food is nsima and beans. Though life is hard, she attends the Chifundo program faithfully and finds encouragement, care and support there. Asiyatu dreams of being a banker one day.
100% of every dollar contributed to Chifundo’s Basket goes directly to aid children like Simeon and Asiyatu. For information on how to give to these children and others like them, click here .