Tom Breslin has been busy this trip doing what he does best – supervising multiple projects and finding creative solutions to anything and everything. We’re reminded of the time our oxcart wheel froze up deep in the Mikea Forest still quite a distance from the village. Tom solved that problem with a tube of hand cream! No doubt there will be similar stories from this trip, but here are some photos of the new basketball court in progress.
There is no backhoe, of course, so they are digging out the hard clay by hand with pick axes and shovels. The rusty barrels on the truck are filled with water, which they pour on the clay to soften it. This makes the job a bit easier, though not much.
There are 900 children in this school which is actually smaller than the finished basketball court will be. Most of the children live hungry and many do not even eat one meal every day. But they are here – learning and trying their best. Two of the suitcases filled with school supplies will be delivered to them tomorrow!