I’m currently back in Toliara after a great time in the village of Anjabetrongo. This afternoon I fly back to Antananarivo. and then tomorrow it’s on to Nairobi and, eventually, Lilongwe, Malawi. There are many great Madagascar stories left to tell and I’ll upload more from Malawi,
unfortunately there is no time left here. Tonight will be devoted to figuring out how to squeeze all the Ampitambe baskets and the great Malagasy merchandise into my suitcases.
But there is one short story I want to tell before I leave the island. Last week was election week here in Madagascar and we happened to be in Anjabetrongo on the 25th – voting day. As the school was used for a polling place in that remote region, voters began lining up outside our room early that morning. I stopped to speak to a few of the men and they were delighted to show me their identity cards….cards that they cannot read but that give them a voice and the right to vote.
There is one very special voter in this election – Fandahara, the Mikea chief. Jonoro has been advocating for the Mikea tribe for many years and helped the chief get an identity card some time ago. Now here he is at the school, voting in a national election.
While I have no opinion on these elections and don’t put my hope in governments, I have to admit that seeing Fandahara make his voice heard in a national election is a moving moment. Ten years ago he was both unseen and unheard; today he steps behind the makeshift curtain and casts his vote.